“The Fabulous Flotilla”
B O E K B E S P R E K I N G By : Frank NEYTS
A new title from Whittles Publishing reads “The Fabulous Flotilla. Scotland’s Adventure on the Rivers of Burma”. Paul Strachan signed as author.
The Irrawaddy Flotilla Company, known in colonial Burma as the ‘Fabulous Flotilla’, was the largest privately owned fleet of ships in the world. It was an entirely Scottish enterprise with nearly all investors, management and ship’s officers drawn from Scotland. There were over 1,200 ships and each year carried the majority of the population of Burma on its river network without loss of life. The paddle steamers were amongst the largest in the world, innovative in design and technology, and very beautiful.
Fascinating personalities emerge from Strachan’s descriptions of Irrawaddy commanders and the flotilla’s key players. The ships evolved over a hundred years into riverine versions of ocean liners with plush cabins, restaurants, shops and even post offices on board. The largest class of ships carried 5,000 passengers including royalty celebrities of the day and famous writers like Somerset Maugham along with early tourist and big game hunters. In the second part of the book, the author takes us on a journey of 1,000 miles upriver to explore the different regions of the country often highlighting Scottish connections. Here is a revealing record of this remarkable era of Burma’s history and past Scottish endeavour – a jewel of a story that may soon be lost.
Like all publications of Whittles Publishing, good reading and value for money!
“The Fabulous Flotilla” (ISBN 978-1-84995-532-4) is issued as a softback. The book counts 192 pages and costs £18.99 or $24.95. The book can be ordered via every good book shop, or directly with the publisher, Whittles Publishing, Dunbeath Mill, Dunbeath, Cairness IKW6 6EG, Scotland (UK), e-mail: info@whittlespublishing.com www.whittlespublishing.com.