“White Funnel Paddle Steamers”.

B O O K R E V I E W by : Frank NEYTS


Recently Mainline and Maritime Ltd published “White Funnel Pddle Steamers in the Bristol Channel”. Compiled by Mike Tedstone from the archives of the Paddle Steamer Preservation Society.

Bristol had been the headquarters of the P. & A. Campbell Ltd., since 1888 when the brothers Peter and Alexander (Alec) Campbell introduced the first “Waverley” (built in 1885) for Clyde Service on the Ilfracombe run from the city. Their venture proved such a success that in 1891 they introduced the purpose-built “Ravenswood” and over the next few years added the famous ‘fliers’ “Westward Ho”, “Cambria” and “Britannia” together with several second hand vessels.

The White Funnel Fleet reached its greatest strength of fourteen ships in the years immediately prior to the First World War The book describes in detail the history of the company and its fleet over the years.

Highly recommended!

White Funnel Paddle Steamers” (ISBN 9 781913 797096) is a hardback book of 95 pages, lavishly illustrated, all black and white photographs. The price is £22.95 plus £2.19 UK postage or £6.00 overseas postage. Ordering directly via the publisher, Mainline and Maritime Ltd, 3 Broadleaze, Upper Seagry, Chippenham SN15 5EY400, UK. Alternatively it can be purchased at all good bookshops.




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